Facts and history about the Arnold & Son brand

The Arnold & Son brand has a rich history and is one of the leading representatives of luxury watchmaking. It is known for its precision, innovation, and classic elegance. In this article, we will explore the interesting facts and history of the Arnold & Son brand.

Historical Background: The Arnold & Son brand was founded in 1764 by John Arnold, a significant figure in the world of watchmaking. He was known for his technical skill and passion for accurate timekeeping. Arnold's creations were sought after by navigators, explorers, and astronomers of that time.

One of John Arnold's significant contributions to the watchmaking industry was the invention of the chronometer, a precise portable timekeeping device that was crucial for accurate navigation at sea. Arnold's chronometers were recognized for their exceptional accuracy and reliability.

Arnold & Son gradually grew and became a family-owned brand. Its watches were sought after for their craftsmanship, sophisticated design, and excellent quality. The brand gained international recognition and became a symbol of luxury and precision.

Interesting Facts about Arnold & Son:

  1. Innovation: The Arnold & Son brand is known for its innovation and technical advancements in watchmaking. Their watches often feature unique functions and complications that reflect the brand's progressive thinking and technical brilliance.

  2. Design and Aesthetics: Arnold & Son watches are renowned for their aesthetic design and elegance. The brand maintains a classic style with modern elements that create a harmonious and sophisticated look.

  3. Handcraftsmanship: Arnold & Son is known for its high-quality handcraftsmanship. Each timepiece is meticulously created by a master watchmaker who upholds the highest standards of the craft.

  4. Limited Editions: The Arnold & Son brand frequently releases limited editions of watches that are collector's items. These editions feature exceptional design, limited quantities, and are often inspired by historical models of the brand.

  5. Commitment to Quality: Arnold & Son carefully selects materials and components for its watches to ensure their exceptional quality and longevity. The brand prides itself on its own manufacturing processes and quality controls.

Arnold & Son is a brand with a rich history and a passion for excellence in watchmaking. Its watches are a testament to craftsmanship and fine artistry. It stays true to traditions while bringing innovations that make it unique in the market.

You can view our entire range of men's watches by clicking HERE.