How to store automatic watches?

Proper storage of automatic watches is crucial to maintain their proper function and longevity. Automatic watches are unique in that they are powered by the movement of the wearer's wrist, requiring some care and attention. Here are some important tips on how to store automatic watches and protect them from adverse effects:

  1. Use a Watch Stand: One of the best ways to store automatic watches is to use a watch stand. Watches should be stored so that they can remain in motion, keeping the automatic mechanism running. There are many types of stands available, including those that offer the option of power.

  2. Unique Storage Box: If you don't want to use a watch stand, pay attention to storage boxes. They should be dust and moisture resistant. The box should be adequately padded to prevent damage from shocks or bumps.

  3. Away from Magnets: Magnetic fields can negatively affect the accuracy of automatic watches. Avoid storing watches near strong magnets, such as speakers or mobile phones.

  4. Avoid Temperature Extremes: Keep the watches away from extreme temperatures. Too high or low temperatures can affect the movement's operation. Avoid storing watches directly in the sun or in freezing conditions.

  5. Regular Wearing or Manual Winding: While not everyone can wear watches every day, it's a good idea to wear them at least once a week or manually wind them. This helps maintain lubrication in moving parts and prevents them from stopping.

  6. Definitely Avoid Diving: If watches are not explicitly labeled as waterproof or water-resistant, do not expose them to water. This can cause serious damage to the mechanism.

  7. Regular Maintenance: Perhaps most importantly, regular maintenance is crucial. Every year or two, watches should be taken to a watchmaker for routine checks and servicing. A professional can identify potential issues before they cause more significant damage.

Proper storage of automatic watches is key to ensuring they serve you for many years. Careful maintenance and adherence to these tips will ensure that your watches are always a reliable and elegant accessory.

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