What does the 585 hallmark mean?

The hallmark 585 refers to the labeling of jewelry and is often presented as the number 585 along with the designation "Au" for gold. This marking is crucial for the identification and evaluation of gold jewelry, and because it holds significant meaning for consumers and experts alike, it's important to delve into it more thoroughly.

The Hallmark 585: Basic Information

The hallmark 585 is a numerical designation that identifies the ratio of pure gold in the alloy. More precisely, the number 585 signifies a 58.5% gold content in the alloy. The remaining 41.5% of the alloy can consist of various metals such as copper, silver, or palladium. This means that out of 1000 parts of the alloy, 585 parts are gold.

History of Hallmarks

The hallmark system has a long history and was used to mark metals, especially precious metals like gold or silver. This system was established for reasons of quality and transparency. When a customer purchased jewelry with a specific hallmark, they had the assurance that they were getting exactly what they paid for.

Other Hallmarks Used for Gold

In addition to the 585 hallmark, there are other designations for gold, such as:

  1. 999 Hallmark: Indicates pure gold, i.e., 99.9% gold. This is the highest possible gold content, often referred to as "fine gold."

  2. 750 Hallmark: Marks an alloy with 75% pure gold content. It is often used for jewelry with a higher gold content than the 585 hallmark.

  3. 375 Hallmark: Expresses that the alloy contains 37.5% pure gold. This designation is common for more affordable jewelry.

Quality and Price

In general, the higher the hallmark, the higher the quality and value of the jewelry. The 585 hallmark is considered to have a moderately high gold content and is popular for jewelry due to its good combination of quality and price. Higher hallmarks, such as 750 or 999, may be sought after for their higher purity but can also be more expensive.

Choosing jewelry with a 585 hallmark should be a matter of personal preference and budget. Consumers should pay attention not only to the hallmark but also to the design, craftsmanship, and other factors that influence the overall quality and aesthetics of the jewelry.


The 585 hallmark is a significant label for gold jewelry, providing useful information about the content of pure gold in the alloy. However, when choosing jewelry, it is important to consider other factors as well, to select a piece that not only meets quality standards but also suits personal preferences.

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