When did they start wearing watches?

The tradition of wearing watches has a rich history dating back to ancient times. The question of when and how watches began adorning human wrists leads to fascinating stories that span across various cultures and periods. In this article, we will explore the origins of wearing watches and how this practice evolved into the form we know today.

Ancient Times: The earliest signs of time being tracked on the wrist can be traced back to ancient Egypt. People here wore so-called sundials on their wrists, simple devices with a direct sunbeam that indicated approximate time based on the sun's position.

16th Century: In the 16th century, watches that were more decorative than practical started to emerge. Wealthy nobles wore small ball-shaped watches on chains as a symbol of their status and wealth.

17th Century: With the development of technology and more precise mechanisms, watches became more accessible. In the 17th century, the first wristwatches appeared, attached to the wrist with a strap or chain.

19th Century: During the 19th century, watches underwent a revolution due to the Industrial Revolution and the advancement of the watchmaking industry. Wristwatches became a common accessory for both men and women.

20th Century: In the 20th century, watches not only became practical for timekeeping but also a fashionable accessory and a status symbol. Technological advancements created various types of watches, from mechanical to electronic and digital.

Today: In the present day, watches are a common accessory that can express personal style and taste. They are available in various styles, materials, and price ranges, whether it's classic analog watches, smartwatches, or sports watches with multiple functions.

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