When do I rewind the date on my watch?

The date and time on our watches are crucial aspects of our daily lives. While modern watches with automatic timekeeping can handle most of the work themselves, there are situations where manually adjusting the date is necessary. In this article, we'll explore when and how to correctly set the date on your watch.

Why is it important to set the date correctly?

Having the date properly set on your watch is not just about aesthetics or precision but also functionality. Most watches have a system that automatically changes the date every day, typically around midnight. However, there are situations when you can't fully rely on the automatic mechanism.

Adjusting the date might be necessary, for instance, after traveling to a different time zone, after daylight saving time changes, or after a prolonged period when the watch hasn't been worn and the automatic system didn't have a chance to update.

When to Adjust the Date?

1. Every Month - Standard Practice

Most watches automatically adjust the date every day around midnight. Nevertheless, it's a good practice to manually adjust it at least once a month to ensure everything is in order.

2. After Traveling to a Different Time Zone

When traveling to a different time zone, manually adjusting the date might be necessary, especially if the time change is significant.

3. After Switching to or from Daylight Saving Time

Changing between daylight saving time and standard time may require manually adjusting the date, even though many modern watches can handle this automatically.

4. After a Prolonged Period of Non-Use

If the watch hasn't been worn for an extended period, especially in the case of non-automatic watches, manually setting the date might be necessary upon re-wearing.

How to Adjust the Date on Your Watch?

  1. Wait Until Midnight: Ideally, adjust the date close to midnight. Some watches may be sensitive to manual date adjustments, so it's best to do it when the automatic mechanism is not active.

  2. Use the Crown: Most watches have a crown that you can pull out to the first or second position. The first position allows you to set the time, and the second position lets you change the date.

  3. Rotate the Crown Forward: Gently rotate the crown upwards until the date changes to the correct one. If you're going through midnight, make sure the date switches to the current one.

  4. Return the Crown: After correctly setting the date, return the crown to its place. Some watches might require a few turns back to ensure water resistance.

  5. Confirm the Correct Date: After setting the date, keep an eye on the watch to ensure it correctly displays the current date. If not, repeat the process.


Adjusting the date on your watch can be a simple task if you know when and how to do it. Having the date set correctly not only enhances the precision of your watch but also ensures it accurately reflects the current time. If you have any doubts about adjusting the date on your watch, you can always consult with the manufacturer or seek advice from a watch specialist in a store.

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