Why is the watch worn face down?

A watch is not only a practical device for keeping track of time, but also a fashion accessory that reflects the taste and personality of the wearer. One of the unusual trends in wearing watches is to place the dial on the opposite side, i.e. face down. This stylish habit has its roots in the history of watches and at the same time carries both aesthetic and functional significance.


The tradition of wearing a watch with the face down dates back to the 19th century. At that time, watches became increasingly popular and manufacturers sought to innovate in design and functionality. One of the leading reasons why some chose to wear watches with the dial down was to protect the glass and dial. Placing the dial on the underside of the hand protected it from bumps and scratches, which was especially important at a time when watches were often mechanical and less durable than today's modern digital models.

Another historical factor was military tradition. During the First World War, wearing a watch face down proved more practical for soldiers, especially during various military operations where the watch could be an easy target for the enemy. This practice remained alive after the war and found its place in civilian watch wear.

Aesthetic and functional significance:

Although watches are worn today largely as a fashion accessory, the placement of the dial down still carries significance. For some individuals, it is a way to draw attention to the original design of the watch and distinguish it from ordinary wear. Aesthetically, a dial down can be considered a bold and modern element in personal style.

The functional aspect lies not only in the protection of the dial, but also in the comfort of wearing it. For some people, it is more comfortable to look at the dial when the watch is face down, especially when typing, working on a computer or other activities where the hand is more often turned towards the wearer.


Wearing a watch with the face down has an interesting history related to functionality and military tradition. Today, it persists as a style element that captivates some individuals with its boldness and originality. Regardless of whether the decision to wear a watch face down is based on history, aesthetics or convenience, this tradition still brings variety and individuality to the world of watches.

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