Why is the watch worn on the left hand? Here you will find the answer

Wearers of watches often decide which hands to place their timepiece on, and there are several factors that influence this decision. While it may not be a rule without exception, many people prefer to wear their watch on their left hand for several reasons that can be linked to convenience, tradition and practicality.

One of the main reasons why many people wear a watch on the left hand is convenience. Most people are right-handed and therefore the left hand is less active than the right. When you wear a watch on your left hand, it can mean less disturbance and a more comfortable fit. The movements of the right hand are often more intense and can cause more wear and tear on the watch, especially if it is a mechanical watch.

Tradition also plays a role in deciding which hand to wear the watch on. Historically, it was customary to wear a watch on the left hand. When watches became a common accessory, most manufacturers placed the crown on the right side of the watch to erleichterte the time setting. So people began to choose to wear their watches on the left hand so that they could use the crown more comfortably, especially if they were right-handed.

Another factor is practicality, especially when it comes to operating the watch. Most watches have the crown placed on the right side. When wearing the watch on the left hand, the crown is easily accessible with the right index or middle finger of the right hand, which can be more convenient for setting the time. This decision is especially important for those who wear a watch every day and use it as part of their daily routine.

It is important to stress, however, that the choice to wear a watch on the left or right hand is primarily an individual one and depends on the personal preferences of the wearer. Some people may choose to wear a watch on their right hand even if they are right-handed because of other reasons such as aesthetics or habit.

Overall, the choice of hand side for wearing a watch depends on a combination of comfort, tradition and practicality. Regardless of whether you choose to wear your watch on your left or right hand, it is primarily a personal choice that should match your needs and preferences.

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