Conditions for returning goods

All orders can only be canceled within 1 hour of completing the order. Our support works from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 15:00. If your order has been paid and you need to change or cancel it, you must contact us within this period. The support team is not working around the clock and cannot cancel the order outside of the above time frame. We are connected to an automated warehouse management system and do not actively monitor the flow of orders.

Weekend orders can be canceled until 10:00 on Mondays.

If you are not satisfied with the purchase and you have NOT USED the item, you can return it to us. However, if the item is lost or damaged during shipping, we are not responsible. The cost of returning the goods to our warehouse will not be refunded.

We do not accept USED products. Which products do we take as used? Products that you wore or unpacked from the original packaging of the manufacturer (foil on the watch). If you send us the products used in this way for a refund, no amount will be refunded and the items will be sent back to you! If you choose faster delivery, these costs will not be refunded. You will only be refunded the total price of the product.

If you send us the watch in the same condition as it was delivered to you ( unused and with the original manufacturer's foil ) you can expect a refund within 5-10 working days of the package being returned. However, in many cases you will receive a refund faster. If you paid via PayPal, the money will be refunded to the card you paid with or to your PayPal account. If you paid online by credit card, the money will be refunded to the credit card from which the payment was made.

When you send the goods back to us, you must have the carrier mark the shipment as "RETURN GOODS" so that we are not charged duty, as it is a return.

Contract cancellation

If you want to withdraw from the purchase agreement, please send us the following documents:

Invoice - proof of purchase:
First name and surname:
Bank account number to pay the purchase price:
Why do you send the goods back (optional):
If you want to withdraw from the purchase contract, send us these documents electronically by e-mail to before sending the goods to our address.

Send the goods to the address:
Addressee: STABLE TRADE s.r.o. ( )
Telephone: +420 563 033 079
Street: Havlíčkova 111, Jihlava
Postal code: 586 01
Czech Republic

If the goods are sent to an address other than the above, the goods do not have to be delivered.