Why is the watch worn backwards?

Watches have become a common accessory in our everyday lives. We see them on people's wrists everywhere - on the street, at work, in school. While it might seem like a minor detail, many people notice that some wear their watches "upside down," meaning with the face pointing towards the inside of the wrist. Why do they do this? There are several reasons and customs that can explain this interesting practice.

  1. Protection of the Watch: One of the main reasons some people wear watches upside down is to protect the watch device itself. Especially athletes who wear watches during exercise or sports activities tend to wear their watches this way. This helps prevent potential damage to the watch face or glass that could occur from impact or friction against objects.

  2. Comfort: For some people, it is more comfortable to wear watches upside down. The face and crown of the watch are not in the way when bending the wrist or typing on a keyboard. This can be advantageous for people who spend a lot of time at a computer or perform work where regular watches might be cumbersome.

  3. Tradition and Style: Wearing watches upside down can also be a matter of personal style and preference. Some people simply prefer the look and comfort of watches when they are worn this way. It could also be a way to stand out from others, especially in the realm of fashion and accessories.

  4. Historical Reasons: There are also historical reasons why some people wear watches upside down. For example, soldiers during the first and second World Wars were often equipped with watches featuring glass protection, which they wore upside down on their wrists. This helped prevent damage to the watches during combat actions.

  5. Better Readability for Certain Activities: For some people, the watch face is more readable when worn upside down. This may especially apply to those who often check the time while cycling, swimming, or engaging in other activities where quick and easy access to the time is preferred.

  6. Traditional Watches with a Face on the Inner Side: There are also special watches designed specifically for wearing upside down. Some models have the face and time indicators placed on the inner side of the wrist, making it easier to wear in this style.

In conclusion, there are many reasons why some people wear watches upside down. From practical reasons such as protecting the watch or comfort, to aesthetic preferences and historical customs. Regardless of the reason, people wear watches in the way that is most comfortable and suits their needs best.

You can view our entire selection of the most popular watches below.